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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

COVER UP ]the mystery at the super bowl] read prt. 1 & 2

O.k. you'll never guess what happened... they kissed!!!!! And Stevie meets Susan's new co host Jamie Whittsit. And every time he talks he keeps on saying dude. And so then he comes up to them and says to Susan hey will he ever stop saying dude. And Susan gets mad. And they aren't getting a long together. And know USTV is having this party where some players are going to come to. And this really big guy comes up to Susan and is introducing himself he's a doctor. And he gives shots to players and Susan asks if they are illegal. And then he was like yah they are. Then he said some people tested positive for HGH and so Susan comes over to Stevie's apartment at 3:00 in the morning and talks about HGH. And they spent 30 minutes on the computer learnig how testing is done. And that's when I stopped.

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