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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Lightning Thief

This Is Mrs. Dodds
Hi! Lets get to Percy Jackson. They are leaving on a bus when they saw 3 old ladies walk on a bus and sit behind the driver. Annabeth noticed that the old ladies were Mrs. Dodds. They said something and started walking toward the back of the bus. Annabeth told Percy to put on her invisibility hat and get away. Percy got away, but the three Mrs. Dodds found Grover and Annabeth. Percy jumped in the front seat and started driving around. He heard the Mrs. Dodds hit the window, that's what he wanted. Although they got back up and started hissing at them. Percy did the stupidest thing he could do, he took off the hat and screamed. Everyone rushed off the bus but him, his friends, and the 3 Mrs. Dodds. Percy got off safely with them and ran into the woods. The bad thing was, they left all there money and food on the bus. That's where I stopped. See you later!

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