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Friday, October 29, 2010


I learned how to do 3 digit subtraction! Here's our problem. 45 - 38. Can you take 5-8? No! So you go next door to the 4 cross it out and make it a 3 than carry the 1 back to the 5 and it becomes 15. Than subtract 15 from 8 is 7. Than subtract 3-3 is 0. So your answer is 7.

Now lets 2 digit multiplication. Lets say our problem is 45x30. You just drop the 0 than you multiply 3x5 witch is 15 so put the 5 down and put the 1 by the 4 and than multiply 3x4 witch is 12 plus 1 is 13 so your answer is 135. Well got to go I hope you learned something today.

1 comment:

  1. Kayd I learned something that 45x30 it is 135 and I almost forgot good job!
