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Monday, November 22, 2010


Hey, Kayd here. I'm going to talk to you about Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving means a lot to me. Although I do not like turkey. I want to thank Abraham Lincoln , the pilgrims, and the Indians or Native Americans for making this a holiday. I love to watch football games on Thanksgiving. Usually the Seattle Seahawks, Dallas Cowboys, Detroit Lions, and sometimes the Oakland Raiders play. I usually go to someone my dad knows for Thanksgiving. Honestly the only stuff I like in that huge feast is butter bread and corn. I don't like mashed patatoes, vegetables, or turkey. I have a lot of fun with everyone there. Like last time these 2 guys went outside and played catch with us! And 1 of them wanted to be called Peyton Manning! I love to see all of my family members during Thanksgiving.

P.S. Thanksgiving is an awesome holiday to hang out with family members have a great one, bye!

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