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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Apolo Anton Ohno

Hello everybody! You know who I am so I don't have to tell you. I'm reading a really good book called Going for the Gold: Apolo Anton Ohno. I'm only page 38, but I've learned a lot so far in the book. His dad was born in Japan, but Apolo was born in Seattle. It said you would think a U.S.A short track speed skater would be born somewhere cold where stuff can freeze for 5 or 6 months. His mother abandoned him when he was little. He got into trouble a lot. His friend would sometimes kill people. One day, Mr. Ohno was putting Apolo on a plane to New York, and after Mr. Ohno left, Apolo called his friend to drive him back to Seattle. Apolo wouldn't come home so Mr. Ohno called Apolo's mom's sister from Oregon to come talk to Apolo. It made him come home. The next time, Mr. Ohno went with him to New York. Then, Mr. Ohno went back to Seattle. At the skating camp, they ran from the camp to Lake Placid. The run was about 5 miles long. All of you think that Apolo would always do that, but not even close. He would walk for a minute , but he would stop at Pizza Hut and eat. Then, when the group was coming back, he would run back with them. He got so big, everyone started calling him "chunky". When you comment tell me would you rather have a delicious meal at Pizza Hut and be called chunky or would you run about 5 miles? I'm still reading the book so I'll have more to blog about see you later, KAYD OUT!


  1. Kayd nice blog. I would rather be called chunky Kayd. Did you see him in the Olympics when he almost won last year there? I did I was going for him. See you later

  2. He raced a lot last year so I don't remember when he lost.
