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Sunday, February 20, 2011


iGoogle Logo
Hello! Today, I'm blogging about iGoogle! Everyone in Mr. Orlano's class has a iGoogle page. You can put anything you want to learn about on there! I have stuff like CNN.com, NASA, ESPN, NFL, and a lot more! We have iGoogle because if we don't have anything to blog about we go there and find an article or something. You can also have stuff like the Des Moines Register and all other kinds of newspapers. The only thing you have to have for iGoogle is a google account. You can also have fun games on there to like hang man! I would recommend you trying this sometime. I hope you could try this, bye bye!


  1. Kayd, do you like iGoogle?? I do because you can learn stuff on it. Nice blog!! Which gadget do you like best?? Mine is the weather channel.

  2. I love iGoogle! I think my favorite gadget is probably ESPN. Why do you like weather channel. Plus, thank you for commenting on all my new posts I have!
