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Friday, February 18, 2011

How To Do A 2 Digit Times A 2 Digit

Multiplication Sign
Hello! Last week in math we learned how to do a 2 digit number times another 2 digit number. Lets say our problem is 32x56. Do the ones column, 6x2=12, carry the 1 and put the 2 down. Now do 3x6+1=19, just put the 19 down next to the 2. So for the first column you should have 192. Now, since we're doing the ten's column we have to put a 0 under the 2. Now do 5x2 witch equals 10, put the 0 down and carry the 1. Now do 3x5+1 witch equals 16, just put the 16 by the 2 0s. So for the 2nd column you should have 1,600. Now add, so your final answer should be 1,792. I hope you just learned something from this blog, see ya!

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