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Friday, February 18, 2011

Beware Of Dog

Beware Of  Dog Cover
Hello Everybody! I've been reading a book called Beware of Dog. It's a pretty good book. I'm only on page 50 out of 167. It starts out with Thomas going somewhere to experiment with Violet. When they are doing that Thomas and Violet meet a dog. When they are walking home with the dog, it begins to rain very hard. It rained so hard that Thomas and Violet both fell and couldn't get up because it was so deep! Than, lightning hit a nearby tree and a big branch fell off and almost fell on them! They managed to get out of the way, but they landed in the middle of the street! A truck came down that same street, but the dog went up and knocked the kids to the other side of the street. The driver (Mr. McCarthy) quickly got up and asked the kids if they were alright, and they said ya. He told the kids to close their eyes as he pulled the dog out from under the truck. Surprisingly, he didn't get hit by the 10 ton truck! They quickly got in the truck and drove to the vet. The vet told the kids to go home and come back tomorrow. Once Thomas woke up, he had to eat breakfast, and once he did, he grabbed his bike and whizzed by Violet who raced to catch up with him. The vets aid the dog was all right. That's all I read so far in this book. Maybe you should read this good book, see you later!


  1. Kayd, I will read the book when you get done. Nice blog! I am suprised the dog didn't get hit.

  2. I know, it said although his luck of saving the children is good, it did say that he unfortunately got hit by the truck.
