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Sunday, February 20, 2011


Gmail Logo
Hello! On my last blog I talked about how google accounts can let you do iGoogle. Google accounts also let you have Gmail accounts. Gmail is like hotmail, you just e-mail back and forth. You can also chat, chatting is just you and someone else just talk back and forth instantly. You can also do presentations which is just typing on something and than when you're done, you hit presentation and it comes in a slide show.You can also share that with other people, you just have to know their accounts. You can do a lot of stuff with Gmail, I've just told you what I know about Gmail. See you later, KAYD OUT!!!


iGoogle Logo
Hello! Today, I'm blogging about iGoogle! Everyone in Mr. Orlano's class has a iGoogle page. You can put anything you want to learn about on there! I have stuff like CNN.com, NASA, ESPN, NFL, and a lot more! We have iGoogle because if we don't have anything to blog about we go there and find an article or something. You can also have stuff like the Des Moines Register and all other kinds of newspapers. The only thing you have to have for iGoogle is a google account. You can also have fun games on there to like hang man! I would recommend you trying this sometime. I hope you could try this, bye bye!


Doesn't That Look Real!?
Hello! Today I'm blogging about Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO). When I look at pictures, I see most of them are fake, but I saw one that looked real, so I clicked on it and it said file history, so I clicked that. I didn't get anything after that, but I thought that if there was a real picture that had history to it, UFOs might actually be real. i think though that planets don't have any source of technology. So I don't know how they can be real. When you comment, please tell me if you think that they are real. Why or why not? I also think that aliens aren't real so how would they even have a driver of some kind? Give me your thoughts when you comment, bye bye!

The Titanic

Titanic on April 14th, 1912.
Oh, there you are! I was just reading about the Titanic on the internet. The Titanic was the largest passenger steamship in the world! It was going to New York City from England. It set off on April 10th, 1912. On April 14th, four days after it left, it hit an iceberg and sank at 2:20 AM the following morning. 1,517 people died (which I think was probably all of the people since it was in the ocean. I think that that was the most devastating thing ever. When you comment, please tell me if you think that that was one of the most worst things ever to happen, if you don't think so, than tell me what you think is the most worst thing to happen.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Books I'm Writing

Hello everybody! On this blog I'm going to give you some short summaries on 2 stories I've been writing. The first one is called Arizona Cardinals vs Atlanta Falcons:Hall of Fame Game. This story is about one of the best teams in the NFC vs one of the worst teams in the league. The Cardinals (worst team) would shock the Falcons and end up whooping them. The other story is called The Ghost and the Missing Fourth Grade Class:Mrs. Ulin. That one is about a ghost that Jon sees, and than mysteriously, everyone in his class including his teacher just disappear. He would eventually kill the ghost and find out how he can make his students and teacher come back to life. If you want to, you can read my Cardinal's book, but it isn't finished. You can't read my mystery book because it's only on my computer, but when I'm done I'll make a couple of copies so you guys can read it. See you later, KAYD OUT!!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Beware Of Dog

Beware Of  Dog Cover
Hello Everybody! I've been reading a book called Beware of Dog. It's a pretty good book. I'm only on page 50 out of 167. It starts out with Thomas going somewhere to experiment with Violet. When they are doing that Thomas and Violet meet a dog. When they are walking home with the dog, it begins to rain very hard. It rained so hard that Thomas and Violet both fell and couldn't get up because it was so deep! Than, lightning hit a nearby tree and a big branch fell off and almost fell on them! They managed to get out of the way, but they landed in the middle of the street! A truck came down that same street, but the dog went up and knocked the kids to the other side of the street. The driver (Mr. McCarthy) quickly got up and asked the kids if they were alright, and they said ya. He told the kids to close their eyes as he pulled the dog out from under the truck. Surprisingly, he didn't get hit by the 10 ton truck! They quickly got in the truck and drove to the vet. The vet told the kids to go home and come back tomorrow. Once Thomas woke up, he had to eat breakfast, and once he did, he grabbed his bike and whizzed by Violet who raced to catch up with him. The vets aid the dog was all right. That's all I read so far in this book. Maybe you should read this good book, see you later!

How To Do A 2 Digit Times A 2 Digit

Multiplication Sign
Hello! Last week in math we learned how to do a 2 digit number times another 2 digit number. Lets say our problem is 32x56. Do the ones column, 6x2=12, carry the 1 and put the 2 down. Now do 3x6+1=19, just put the 19 down next to the 2. So for the first column you should have 192. Now, since we're doing the ten's column we have to put a 0 under the 2. Now do 5x2 witch equals 10, put the 0 down and carry the 1. Now do 3x5+1 witch equals 16, just put the 16 by the 2 0s. So for the 2nd column you should have 1,600. Now add, so your final answer should be 1,792. I hope you just learned something from this blog, see ya!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Second-String Center by Rich Wallace

Here's the book that I read!
Hi everybody! Today I'm blogging about a book I read called Second-String Center. It's about this guy named Dunk who is trying out for the Hudson City Hornets. He's competing for the center spot on the team. He's fighting for the center spot against the really good Jared and the taller Louie. They all end up getting a spot on the team. They lost their first game to the Palisades. One day after practice, Jared told Dunk that his parents are getting a divorce. Dunk didn't think about the game, he was thinking about how bad it felt if his parents got a divorce. The last game of the season, the Hornets faced one of the hardest teams in the league. Jared was not good in the game, so Dunk had to come up big, and he did. There were 7 seconds on the clock and the Hornets were up by 3. Dunk was at the line. He had a flash back of last summer in the semifinals when he choked when the game was on the line. He sunk the first one and the second. The final seconds went off the clock when the Hornet's players picked up Dunk and cheered. In the locker room, one of Dunk's teammates said when the best player was not good, the second string made the play. Jared was mad at himself, but happy for Dunk. Hoped you like my blog, bye bye!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Despicable Me!!!

Hello! On this blog I'll talk about a funny movie called Despicable Me! I love the little minions! The movie starts by a tour of a pyramid. One of the tourists was a little boy. He was running around with a little plastic airplane, and he ran up a ramp and falls off on to the pyramid! The pyramid was stolen! Now it was just an inflatable copy of the pyramid! When a different villain named Gru finds out about this he wanted to take the moon!!! Gru goes to the Bank of Evil to try to get some money, and there he meets a young super-villain named Vector. Vector annoys Gru. The Bank of Evil president Mr. Perkins refuses to give Gru the money unless he finds a shrink ray that is for Gru's plan. Mr. Perkins tells Gru that the younger super-villains are better, like Vector, because Vector was the one who stole the pyramid. Gru and his minions stole the shrink ray from a secret lab in Asia, but Vector took it back and shrunk Gru's ship. Gru tried to steal the shrink ray back but failed many times. When 3 girls named Margo, Edith, and Agnes go up to thew lair to sell cookies to Vector, Gru adopted the 3 girls. He adopted the girls because he had a plan to steal the shrink ray back. His assistant Dr. Nefario built robots that look like cookies. The girls sold the cookies to Vector, and the robots helped Gru steal the shrink ray back. On the way home, the girls wanted to go to an amusement park. Gru agrees to leave them there, but an attendant said that the girls need an adult to ride with them. Gru ended up having fun with the girls at the amusement park. When they got home, Gru presents his planto Mr. Perkins by video. The girls kept interrupting him. Mr. Perkins still wouldn't give Gru the money, although he doesn't have a problem with the plan. He just wants a younger super-villain doing it. Mr. Perkins calls Vector to the Bank of Evil to inform him that Gru has the shrink ray. Vector said that he'll get to the moon. Gru almost quit his plan, but the girls and the minions start a collection. However Gru has to make a choice, go to the moon, or go to the girl's dance recital. Dr. Nefario sees the girls are a distraction and calls the orphan house president to take them back. Gru, the minions, and the girls were heartbroken. Gru successfully shrinks the moon and puts it in his pocket. Gru remembers the recital and rushes to it. He was to late. There was a note that said if Gru gave Vector the moon, he would give Gru the girls. Gru gave the moon to Vector, but he wouldn't give Gru the girls. I don't have time for how Gru saved the girls but he did. Se you later, bye bye!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Packers Shock The World!!!

Wow, that was a good game last night. If you didn't see Super Bowl 45 last night, here's a little recap. Do you know Deion Sanders? He's the guy on NFL Network that does Prime Time. He did the coin toss because he was voted into the Hall of Fame. The Packers won the toss and wanted to kick first. The Steelers went 3 and out, and the Packers almost did the same because their wide receiver dropped a touchdown pass, but that same wide receiver named Jordy Nelson made a really good catch for a touchdown! On the kickoff, there was a penalty on the Steelers witch brought them back all the way to about the 5 yard line. On one of the next plays, Ben Roethlisberger threw an interception to Nick Collins! Nick Collins dived for the end zone and he... scored! Just like that the score is 14-0. The Steelers managed to get a field goal. At the half, the score was 21-17. You know how in the regular season the half time show is about 10 minutes? This half time show was about 30 minutes! The Steelers actually took off their pads and got something to eat! The half time show was all right, and you know how the Black Eyed Peas were going to play? So did Usher! I didn't think either of them sounded that great. In the 3rd quarter the Steelers defense did a pretty good job of not letting the Packers score. The Packers were up 28-17 when the Steelers scored and got the 2 point conversion. The Packers got a field goal. With about 2:00 minutes left in the game the Steelers had the ball around their own 10 yard line. They started to drive the ball, but the Packers held them to a 4th and 5. Ben Roethlisberger tried to squeeze one to Mike Wallace but he couldn't hold on to the ball!! The Packers had won their 4th Super Bowl! The MVP was the GB QB Aaron Rodgers! I think that was a good game. I thought the Steelers were going to score a touchdown and win the game 32-31. I was wrong though. You know how the Super Bowl trophy is called the Lombardi trophy? They named that trophy after Vince Lombardi. He was a coach for the Packers when they won Super Bowl 1 and 2. I think he's the best coach ever! When you comment please tell me who you think is the best NFL coach ever! KAYD OUT!!!!!!!!!

Friday, February 4, 2011


Hi! Well, I will tell you about what I did over the 2 days we had off of school. I have Madden 11 so I played it. I'm on the franchise mode. That's where you choose your favorite team and you can choose your team's players if you want to. I played the Super Bowl. I was the Cardinals and they were the Browns. I beat them 16 to 28. The hardest game that season was when I faced the Green Bay Packers in the NFC Championship game. I was up by a touchdown with about 0:36 seconds left in the 4th quarter, and the Packers had the ball and it was 4th and 1. Guess what? I STOPPED THEM!!!!! I was jumping up and down yelling the Cardinals are going to the Super Bowl. My brother was about to cry because he was a huge Packer fan. Then, I heard my dad say that's not gonna happen for another 20 years. I believed him, too. I really like Madden 11. Maybe you should try it, bye bye.