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Monday, October 25, 2010

What in the name is a nudibranch?

A nudibranch is a beautiful animal that lives in the sea. It is related to snails a and slugs. And sometimes they're called sea slugs. Nudibranches are mollusks. Some nudibranches have gills and some don't. A nudibranch has a tongue called radula. It is covered with many tiny teeth. They live in every ocean in the world. They're more common in warm water. Nudibranches  are meat eaters. They eat other animals. They don't have eyes. They find there food by touching it. Many animals try and eat them. But they have good defense.


  1. good job Kayde i thought that they would be plant eaters becuse they dont really look like meat eaters

  2. I agree with colton they do not look like meat eaters
