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Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Hi! Some of these animals you will learn about might be on your your dinner plate! Mollusks, segmented worms, arthropods, and spiny body animals are all complex invertebrates. Think of a way a octopus and a snail are alike. They don't look alike do they? But both of them are mollusks. Mollusks are very large group of animals. They're grouped by their characteristics. Mollusks are soft invertebrates that can live on  land or any kind of water. A lot of mollusks have shells that protect themselves. Did you know people eat mollusks? Well at least some people do. Would you like a snail for lunch? Segmented worms live on land or water. An arthropod has an outer skeleton, called exoskeleton. Arthropods are the largest group of animals. arthropods live on land or any kind of water. They feed at night at night and hide during the day. Maybe I'll study these animals a little more when I grow up. By.

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