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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

COVER UP [the mystery at the super bowl] part 2 read the first [cover up]

They're finally saying super bowl now. It's the Baltimore Ravens v.s. the California Dreams. Have you ever heard of the California Dreams? Well Bobby Kelleher is taking Stevie to the super bowl! Where Susan Carol is! She thinks she's going to work 1 more week for USTV because she needs the money.
So when he gets off the plain from Indianapolis he hears someone yell his name. Someone came up to him said, hi my name is Sean McManus. Have you heard of Sean McManus? He works for CBS Sports. And he wants Stevie to be a guest on the show for a week! And so they're at the Marriott hotel. And Kelleher tells him to come to room 1748. So when he knocks on the door Susan Carol answers! And that's when I had to stop. I'll be writing about Cover Up a little later.



  1. Kayd do you know who won the super bowl

  2. I don't know yet who won it yet. I just know because Stevie was talking to like Ray Lewis and Eddie Brennan.

  3. Hey Holden good news the California Dreams won it!!
