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Friday, October 29, 2010


I learned how to do 3 digit subtraction! Here's our problem. 45 - 38. Can you take 5-8? No! So you go next door to the 4 cross it out and make it a 3 than carry the 1 back to the 5 and it becomes 15. Than subtract 15 from 8 is 7. Than subtract 3-3 is 0. So your answer is 7.

Now lets 2 digit multiplication. Lets say our problem is 45x30. You just drop the 0 than you multiply 3x5 witch is 15 so put the 5 down and put the 1 by the 4 and than multiply 3x4 witch is 12 plus 1 is 13 so your answer is 135. Well got to go I hope you learned something today.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

COVER UP [the mystery at the super bowl] part 2 read the first [cover up]

They're finally saying super bowl now. It's the Baltimore Ravens v.s. the California Dreams. Have you ever heard of the California Dreams? Well Bobby Kelleher is taking Stevie to the super bowl! Where Susan Carol is! She thinks she's going to work 1 more week for USTV because she needs the money.
So when he gets off the plain from Indianapolis he hears someone yell his name. Someone came up to him said, hi my name is Sean McManus. Have you heard of Sean McManus? He works for CBS Sports. And he wants Stevie to be a guest on the show for a week! And so they're at the Marriott hotel. And Kelleher tells him to come to room 1748. So when he knocks on the door Susan Carol answers! And that's when I had to stop. I'll be writing about Cover Up a little later.



Scorpions are very scary animals to me. They have been on earth longer than most animals. They been living for more than 450 years. That's longer than dinosaurs! But how long is 450 years? Well pretend you are counting dollar bills. And pretend you count one dollar every second. It would take you more than 11 days to get to 1 million! To reach 450 million, you would have to count one dollar for more than 14 years!!!


Did you know beetles are one of the most common insects? There are many different types of beetles. Each kind looks different. Some beetles have horns. Beetles are found everywhere except Antarctica and the Arctic. They like hot places. They usually are found on land but some of them live underground. Many beetles fly. Most beetles eat plants but beetles can be harmful to plants, too.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


What's up today I'm going to talk about dolphins. Dolphins are related to whales. They're mammals. There are almost 40 different species of dolphins! They mostly eat fish and squid. They're found worldwide but mostly in shallower waters. Dolphins are one of the most intelligent animals. Some pods of dolphins have over 1,000 dolphins. By.

P.S. please comment


Greg is going to middle school. But he's stuck with a bunch of morons. At recess one day he saw a rotted piece of cheese laying on the basketball court. He was a bout to touch it when... don't if you touch the cheese you get the cheese touch. Then he meta kid named Fregley. He said, hey do you want to see my secret freckle? Check it out its got a hair in it!!! And there were some comic books, too. Here's one doctor can I have a new butt my old one has a crack in it. Creighton I've told you a million times every butt has a crack in it. Oops.


COVER UP [the mystery at the super bowl]

I haven't read the hole thing yet but it's a good book. There are these 2 teenagers named Stevie Thomas and Susan Carol. They're sportswriters. They solve mysteries for example here's one that they solved there was glamorise russian girl at the U.S. Open and disappeared before her first match! And they solved the mystery. They said the kidnapping was planned so she didn't just disappear. But sadly Susan's uncle was involved and was likely to end up in jail. And know a TV producer asks if they want to be on a show for 1 year. But the parents say no. So they double the offer and say that they'll pay for college. So they agree. And then they come back and say Stevie is fired because he needs more sizzle they said. And he did everything for them!  And he wants to tell Susan about it but then his dad says that her family needs the money. And that's when I had to stop.


Monday, October 25, 2010

What in the name is a nudibranch?

A nudibranch is a beautiful animal that lives in the sea. It is related to snails a and slugs. And sometimes they're called sea slugs. Nudibranches are mollusks. Some nudibranches have gills and some don't. A nudibranch has a tongue called radula. It is covered with many tiny teeth. They live in every ocean in the world. They're more common in warm water. Nudibranches  are meat eaters. They eat other animals. They don't have eyes. They find there food by touching it. Many animals try and eat them. But they have good defense.


I played the Boone  Colts. We lost 6-0 I had to throw the ball a couple times I completed one and I had a interception. But I had 3 sacks! And like 50 or 60 rushing yards and I got a trophy! It was really really close!

Friday, October 22, 2010


  • Facts and Opinions Opinions are like saying what you think ex: I like that shirt. Its not a fact because you ave to prove it. Because maybe someone might not like the shirt. And if its a fact you can prove it ex: I'm 9 years old.
  • Regular and irregular nouns regular nouns are like dogs and cats. But irregular nouns are like fish. Because it is singular and plural. ex: I caught a fish today. That's singular. ex: I caught 5 fish today. That's plural. And here's a secret. If it ends in f and you want to make it plural change f to v and add es. ex: The leaves fell from the tree.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


A single large family lives in the anthills. The queen is like the mother in the colony. The queens job is to lay eggs. Almost all her children are female. Eggs and larvae fill the nursery. Ants are always busy. They work until danger is near.[ the lizard is the most common enemy to the ants. The guard stretches its antennae to search for danger. The ant spreads a strong smell to warn of threat. Then guards immediately attack. When ants meat the smell each other and touch antennae. if they are not from the same nest they fight. If many ants work together they can kill a grasshopper!


Coral snakes are poisonous, it can be very powerful. They usually are hiding you might see them under rocks or logs. Their fangs are short and do not fold back. Coral snakes in the United States have red, black, and yellow rings around their body.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


This a little bit of a book that I wrote.

"Hello there. My name is Kayd Nissen and this is the Hall of Fame Game! Now lets go down to the field for the opening kickoff". The New England Patriots will get the ball first. Garett Hartley will kickoff for the Saints. He kicks it to the eight yard line. He makes a move and he'll be tackled. And know the Patriot offense will come on to the field for the first time today. Brian Hoyer is in the shot gun next to BenJarvus Green- Ellis."Hike"! He fires a bullet to Sam Aiken. "These people are the second string in the line up but they are not bad players".First and ten on the forty- one yard line."Hike"! He hands off to BenJarvus for maybe a yard if lucky."Ready Hut". "Flags on the play and here's the call,"offsides defense five yard penalty repeat second down". "It's a running play no it's a play action pass and a sack! So after the penalty a loss of three will bring up third and seven. "Hike". It's a screen to Sam Aiken for three yards and a fourth and four. We'll probably see the punt team come out for the Patriots. And man that was a good punt! He'll return it to the thirty yard line. That will set up this offense pretty good. And here comes the Saint offense for the first time. Heath Evans will be behind the quarter back Tony Collins. "Hike"! Play action pass this defense looks confused and there is a wide open David Thomas the tight end he's running and running and will be brought down inside the twenty! He might not be the fastest guy but he is the best at running his routes. It will be first and ten on the seventeen yard line. 7:46 left to go in the first quarter. Tony Collins alone in the shot gun. "Hike"! He throws a screen pass to Lance Moore and runs to the outside dives... touchdown! Garett Hartley will make the extra point. 7-0 the Saints are winning. Now Garett Hartley will kick it off again. J.Edelman will return it to the 21 yard line. Todd Collins will be under the center."Hike"! He fakes the pitch and looks to throw... sacked!

Please comment Kayd

Friday, October 15, 2010


  • ROUNDING NUMBERS If the numbers are 1, 2, 3, 4 round down. If the numbers are 5,6,7,8,9 round up. We might round higher numbers next week.
  • MAKING INFERENCES Making inferences is like taking a guess at what might happen next in a picture. ex: there is a picture of a baseball runner running to first make an inference is he going to be safe or out and tell why.             
  • WHAT I LEARNED FROM OTHER PEOPLES BLOGS Brent's blog Minnesota has over 1,000 lakes. Kobe's blog if water hits land for a long period of time the land may brake.
  • SINGULAR AND PLURAL NOUNS Singular nouns mean 1 thing and plural nouns mean more than1 thing.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Chile mine rescue: Chile rejoices as all 33 miners are rescued - latimes.com

Chile mine rescue: Chile rejoices as all 33 miners are rescued - latimes.com
Chile freed the last of 33 miners from imprisonment nearly half a mile underground late Wednesday, the miracle of a second chance at life made real by the methodical shuttle of a battered red, white and blue rescue capsule willed on by a joyful nation and global audience of hundreds of millions.

When 54-year-old foreman Luis Urzua emerged at 9:55 p.m. from the 28-inch-diameter hole that curved deep into the San Jose mine, it had been 69 days since the miners were trapped, 52 days since they were able to declare to the world that they were still alive — but less than 22 hours since the first miner had resurfaced.

"You brought your shift out like a good captain," Chilean President Sebastian Pinera told Urzua, beaming as he gripped the arms of the burly miner who had organized his men for survival during the first crucial hours after they were trapped. "All of Chile shared your anguish and hope


Copperheads live in dry rocky areas. They are named by the copper color of their head. Some copperheads can grow up to 4 or even 5 feet long! A copperheads colors makes hard to see them when there is dead leaves on the floor. Did you know snakes keep on growing until they die.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Cottonmouths are also called Water Moccasins.  They live on swamps, along rivers, and streams. They eat frogs, fish, and tadpoles. They spend a lot of time in the water. Did you know... a cottonmouth swims with its head and neck above the water. Snakes can climb trees. Did you know that? When it opens its mouth you see a cotton color. That is how it got it's name. Maybe I'll study cottonmouths when I grow up.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Rattlesnakes are the most poisonous animals in the united states. There are more than 12 different types. Did you know that rattlesnakes are only found on the western hemisphere? And the rattlesnakes fangs have to fold back when the mouth is closed because the fangs are so long? And that the rattles are called buttons every time the snake sheds its skin it grows a button. Maybe I'll study rattlesnakes when I grow up.

Monday, October 11, 2010


Hi, snakes and lizards are ancient animals. They both are reptiles. Modern reptiles were first seen 250 million years ago! All reptiles are cold blooded. That means that their body temperature changes by the things they are standing by. They are more active when the weather is warm. In cold weather they barely move and they crawl into a burrow until the weather changes. Lizards are more common than snakes. Snakes and lizards are alike and different in many ways because snakes don't have legs, snakes don't have any ears in their heads,  snakes don't have real eyelids, and snakes can open their mouth wider. Maybe I'll study more about snakes and lizards when I grow up.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


This book was written by Tim Green, a defensive end for the Atlanta Falcons. By the way it was Ty's birthday but he didn't care. But then at school coach V asks him to try out for the football team because he was the fastest kid in his class. Then Ty tells coach V that his brother is Thane  Lewis ( a famous college football player for Syracuse). So he tryed for the team made a lot of good plays. And when he gets home Aunt Virginia( his parents died a while ago) was mad because he was late. So she made him go outside and chop wood. His uncle, uncle Gus came home then went to the bar. At the bar thier was a man named Lucy that was very mean. That's funny. Maybe I'll write a book like this some day.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Hi! Some of these animals you will learn about might be on your your dinner plate! Mollusks, segmented worms, arthropods, and spiny body animals are all complex invertebrates. Think of a way a octopus and a snail are alike. They don't look alike do they? But both of them are mollusks. Mollusks are very large group of animals. They're grouped by their characteristics. Mollusks are soft invertebrates that can live on  land or any kind of water. A lot of mollusks have shells that protect themselves. Did you know people eat mollusks? Well at least some people do. Would you like a snail for lunch? Segmented worms live on land or water. An arthropod has an outer skeleton, called exoskeleton. Arthropods are the largest group of animals. arthropods live on land or any kind of water. They feed at night at night and hide during the day. Maybe I'll study these animals a little more when I grow up. By.

Monday, October 4, 2010

chapter 2 lesson1 simple invertebrates

Animals that do not have backbones are invertebrates. The simplest invertebrates is the sponge. This sponge is not the kind in your house. Living sponges are found on the ocean floor. They don't move. If a part of the sponge is damaged the cells of the sponge regrow it. This growth is called regeneration. All sting celled animals like the sting ray live in the ocean. Flatworms have long, soft,and flat bodies. If a part of a flatworm was damaged the cells would regrow the part like the sponge. Some flatworms are scavengers. Scavengers feed on organisms. I love the ocean. Maybe I'll study more ocean animals when I grow up.