I've learned a lot of stuff from other peoples blogs. In Science I learned about the Inner and Outer planets. The Inner planets are the closest to the sun, and the Outer planets are the farthest from the sun. Pluto is not a planet because they found other things like Pluto that are smaller and some are even bigger! So, scientists said that all those planets like Pluto were called Dwarf Planets. In grammar, I learned about how you can replace pronoun with an antecedents. Some pronouns are they, our, us, we, them, it, he, him, she, and her. Like here's an ex: I threw
the ball and the dog gave it back to me. You could of said, I threw
it and the dog gave it back to me. In social studies I learned that all big cities are near big water because ships can come in. In math, I learned that the answer to a multiplication problem is called the product. The answer to a division problem is called a quotient. In spelling, I always said that caring was spelled careing. Then, my mom said you don't want to vowels together. That's what I learned in the past couple weeks, bye!
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