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Monday, July 11, 2011

Lance Berkman 4 HRs in Arizona series

Hey by the way here's a video of 4 home runs in 3 games against the Arizona Diamondbacks.

Berkman Not In Homerun Derby

Lance Berkman used to play for the Houston Astros
It's been a long time since I've blogged! Now my favorite baseball team is the St. Louis Cardinals. They have a batter that came in for Albert Pujols when he injured his wrist and he came in and had 23 homeruns! Than Albert came in and I was thinking they have to get him in the batting order, so why not have him hit for the pitcher and than maybe let him go in at first for Albert for a couple of innings. I was like why isn't he in? He has more homeruns than Paul Konerko! He ended up making the allstar game but not the homerun derby. If you comment, tell me why you think he didn't make it.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Lightning Thief: Extra Chapter

Hello! Guess what? I finished it! When I'm done I'm supposed to write another chapter, so:
                    Chapter 23

Percy is going back home, he's packing his bag from Camp Half-Blood. He'll miss Annabeth and Grover but he feels he has to go back because his mom is back. Gabe is gone so it's going to be a lot better. Percy is so glad to see his mom back. His mom is going back to Long Island for vacation, when they get there, Poseidon is there waiting for them. Percy is actually happy to see his father and mother happy. They move into an apartment and live there. But Poseidon does go back to the Empire State building to be a god. He does come back sometimes. But Percy doesn't really care, he just loves seeing his mother back. He does go and see Annabeth sometimes. 
That's the end of that chapter. I would really recommend this book if you like stories about gods and magic and monsters.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Osama Bin Laden Is Dead!

Hello! And today I'm blogging about something very special. Osama Bin Laden was the man who was involved in many terrorist attacks. Including 9/11. He has been on the world's most wanted list for 13 years. The Navy Seals killed him! There were 2 helicopters that held the Seals, one crash landed but nobody was hurt. They started shooting, they killed 2 guards, his adult son, a woman that was used as a human shield, and of course Osama bin Laden. They brought him back in the U.S. helicopter. One of the Pakistan traditions is to berry him in the ground, but the U.S. berried him in sea. They drove out to the ocean, covered him in white cloth, and dropped him in the ocean. There was a big reward if you found Osama, but he's dead now. They took blood samples and it is 99.9% that is really Osama. They trying to get some proof that he's really dead, because Pakistan may be thinking that we're just joking. But that was just one person out of many terrorists in the world. But think about it, maybe that will get his friends mad, but all the airport's security has gone up!

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Lightning Thief

Hello! Lets get right back to my book. Percy gets to Santa Monica, and looks at the sea, he walked down into it and than a shark comes up and pushes it down. He can breathe and he's dry. He sees the same person he sow in the Mississippi, and talks to her. It told him to go and that his mother wasn't dead. He walked up and told Annabeth and Grover and they were in shock. That's it for today and I hope that you will read this 1 day, see you later!

The Lightning Thief

Hello! Lets get right to my book. They're riding west on a train when they get to St. Louis Annabeth wants to go to the Gateway Arch. When they're riding the elevator up they have to sit with a lady and her little chihuahua. When they go down, all of a sudden, the dog starts to bark, than the dog gets bigger, and before you know it, the lady is a serpant and the dog is a lion. Percy jumped down into the Mississippi River, and he wasn't wet at all. He saw a lady that looked like his mom. The thing said,"go to Santa Monica."
And that's where I stopped.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Lightning Thief

This Is Mrs. Dodds
Hi! Lets get to Percy Jackson. They are leaving on a bus when they saw 3 old ladies walk on a bus and sit behind the driver. Annabeth noticed that the old ladies were Mrs. Dodds. They said something and started walking toward the back of the bus. Annabeth told Percy to put on her invisibility hat and get away. Percy got away, but the three Mrs. Dodds found Grover and Annabeth. Percy jumped in the front seat and started driving around. He heard the Mrs. Dodds hit the window, that's what he wanted. Although they got back up and started hissing at them. Percy did the stupidest thing he could do, he took off the hat and screamed. Everyone rushed off the bus but him, his friends, and the 3 Mrs. Dodds. Percy got off safely with them and ran into the woods. The bad thing was, they left all there money and food on the bus. That's where I stopped. See you later!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Lightning Thief

Hello! Now, Grover wanted to try out the flying shoes, and it didn't turn out that way. He was upside down and his backpack was dragging on the ground. Percy was about to leave when Chiron gave him a pen, the same one that was a sword. Chiron told Percy that the pen used to be Percy's fathers. The sword was named Anaklusmos. Chiron told him only to use it for emergencies. But I wouldn't trust Percy with that.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Lightning Thief

This Is The Shoe Luke Gave Percy!
Percy just talked to a Oracle. It told him he has to go find the Lightning Bolt and see it safely in its normal spot. He has to go West to find it. Annabeth said that the can take him to Massachusetts but he has to take it from there.  Than, the leader of captain 11 came up. Annabeth blushed. Luke told Percy good luck. Than, he handed him some brand new shoes. Percy noticed that they looked normal. He thought they were normal but than the shoes sprung wings out the ankles. Almost every thing on Half-Blood Camp isn't normal. Of course, I always have to stop at the good part. See you later alligator!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Lightning Thief

This Is Chiron
Today I'm talking about The Lightning Thief. He just found out that his dad was Poseidon. Poseidon is one of the 3 great gods. In these 2 chapters he plays capture the flag. Clarrise beats him up but Percy comes back and strikes her. Percy's team won. But while he was sitting in the mud, something came after him. It was going to jump on him but it fainted. It turns out, Chiron had shot the beast. It was a very cold day one day and there was a storm. Chiron told him that the gods are fighting. Zues and Poseidon. They said that a rare lightning bolt has been stolen. They are fighting. It's the sky vs the sea. Chiron told them that they now think that it's him. That's where I stopped. This may be a shorter but I put a lot into it.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Lightning Thief Chapters 5 and 6 (3rd)

Percy Jackson
Well, lets get right to the summary. Percy woke up in a bed and there was this girl feeding him medicine. Grover was sitting in the corner of the room. He took him to a porch and there was a guy sitting in a chair that wore a tiger striped Hawaiian T-shirt. Grover was wearing a orange shirt that said HALF-BLOOD CAMP. On the yard there were kids playing. The guy in the Hawaiian shirt said that he needed to talk to Grover about protecting Percy. There was another person sitting in a wheelchair that looked like Mr. Brunner. But, it was a guy named Chiron. He went to Yancy Academy just to teach 1 student, Percy Jackson. Chiron showed him around. They saw some cabins. He told Percy that he was staying in cabin 11. Annabeth took over from there. They met someone named Clarisse. Clarisse dragged Percy into the girl's bathroom and was about to put his head in the toilet when the toilets and showers started spraying, they sprayed all over Clarisse, and Percy was sitting in the only dry spot.

That's all for today, bye bye!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Lightning Thief Chapters 3-4(2nd)

This Is The Bull That Choked His Mom To Death
Hello! My name is Kayd as you know and I'm blogging about a book called The Lightning Thief. Well Percy finally gets to meet his mother. She's dating this guy named Gabe. Percy likes to call him Smelly Gabe. When he got home Gabe was with his friends playing a game of poker and drinking beer. His mom was working at the time so he went to his room. When his mother got home, she brought some candy from the shop (where she works). All of the candy is blue (because she met Percy's dad on the ocean, but he died in a plane crash). His mom told him that they were going to the beach to spend some time together in a cabin. It didn't turn out so well, Grover came to the door struck by lightning and he had no pants on. His mom made Percy tell  her what he didn't before. They got in the car and rode to Percy's summer school (witch he hated). Than the car got struck by lightning, landed in a ditch full of mud, and nobody could get out. There was a crack in the roof of the car. Than, a bull person came to the car. Percy got out and his mom got Grover to sit up (he was struck by lightning). His mom was getting to the car when the bull picked her up by the neck, and choked her to death. Percy ended up killing the bull and than I had to stop.

P.S.It's good, please read!

Monday, April 11, 2011

The Lightning Thief Chapters 1 and 2

Please Read The Book (It's Good)
I'm reading a book in Guided Reading called The Lightning Thief. Percy Jackson goes to a school Yancy Academy a private school for trouble kids in New York, and yes, Percy Jackson is in trouble a lot. They were taking a field trip to Manhattan. Percy was determined to be good this field trip. The thing was, he was never good on field trips. They were eating lunch when a mean girl named Nancy Bobofit came and was making fun of Percy's friend Grover. He didn't know what he really did but the next thing he knew was that Nancy was sitting in the fountain screaming Percy pushed me! Mrs. Dodds (chaperon) brought him inside a building than, all of a sudden she was a creature that had yellow fangs and bat like wings. Than, his favorite teacher Mr. Brunner came in and tossed Percy a pen, Percy clicked it and it was a sword. Percy struck Mrs. Dodds with the sword and when he walked out, he walked to Mr. Brunner and he said that's my pen. No one seemed to notice that Mrs. Dodds wasn't there. He went up to Grover and he just said who's Mrs. Dodds? When he was going back to his cabin he overheard Mr. Brunner and Grover talking. They were talking about how worried they were for Percy. Percy dropped his book in shocked and Mr. Brunner and Grover went silent and headed for the door. Percy ran into a closet and they didn't even notice. That night he talked to Grover, he told him all about what he heard. It turned out, Grover and everyone else wasn't telling the truth. They were going on a trip when the bus broke down, they had to sit outside and wait. They saw to ladies sitting in chairs knitting large (very large) socks. Grover pulled Percy on the bus. He looked stressed out. The ladies got a scissors and cut the yarn. This means that when the ladies cut the yarn that means death, said Grover.

P.S. Scary, huh?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Mrs. Frisby and the rats of NIMH

I'm reading a book called Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH. Mrs. Frisby is a mother, and her husband died (Jonathan Frisby). One of her sons (Timothy) is very sick, he has pnemonia. She gets medicine from Mr. Ages. One day, she saw a crow that was attached to a string witch was attached to a fence. Than, the farmers cat named Dragon came along and was walking toward Mrs. Frisby. She saves the crow just in time than just barely made it by jumping on the crows back. The crows name was Jeremy. Jeremy takes her to her home. Than, she sees a bunch of rats taking what looked like a string into a thorny bush. The next time she saw Jeremy she asked him about the rats. Than, she heard Mr. Fizgibbon and his 2 sons talking. They were talking about plowing in less than a week. She talked to Jeremy and he said to go to the tallest tree and there will be an old owl that would be able to help you. She had to go at a certain time because he was gone hunting or at home sleeping. She had to go right when he woke up. When she was talking to him he couldn't answer. Than, he said,"wait, what's your name?"
"Mrs. Frisby."
"Do you know Jonathan Frisby?"
"Well, there may be a way, go to the rats that you saw the other day. Ask to talk to Nicodemous. He should be able to help."
So she went to the bush. She couldn't find an entrance because it was so thorny. Than, she saw a part where there was no thorns, and a little entrance hole. She walked down and saw a guard (Brutus) in front of a entrance she asked for Nicodemous and he said no. When she was walking out, she saw someone coming an it was Mr. Ages, and he had a cast on his leg. He said that this was Mrs. Frisby to the guard and he let her and Mr. Ages in. Than, they made a plan to move her house to a safe spot. They put a powder in Dragon's bowl that made him fall asleep. They successfully get her house moved. Than, exterminators come and try and kill the rats. One almost dies but didn't end out dieing (Brutus). Although, some do die. 

Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Endangered Blue Whales

Hello! Today I'm blogging about the Blue Whales. In class we had to blog about an endangered animal, and I chose the Blue Whale. Here are some really cool facts:
Blue Whale!!!
  1. Blue Whales grow to be about 80 feet, and weigh about 120 tons.
  2. The female Blue Whales are longer and weigh more than the males (the largest Blue Whale was 94 feet, and weighed about 174 tons!)
  3. The largest Blue Whale has a heart that weighs 1,000 pounds and 14,000 pounds of blood circulating through it's body.
  4. The heart of the Blue Whale is about the size of a Volkswagon bug car!
  5. A human could crawl through one of it's major blood vessels.
  6. Blue Whales are the loudest animals on Earth.
  7. The color of the Blue Whale is usually blue-gray with gray spots.
  8. The underbelly has brown, yellow, or gray specks.
  9. They have 320 pairs of baleen (teeth that strain) in their mouth.
  10. It has 2 blowholes.
  11. They have a 2-14 inch thick layer of blubber.
  12. They usually swim in pods (groups). They sometimes swim in pairs.
  13. They breathe air by going up to the surface and breathing through 2 blowholes located near the top of its head.
That's all for today, bye bye.