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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Osama Bin Laden Is Dead!

Hello! And today I'm blogging about something very special. Osama Bin Laden was the man who was involved in many terrorist attacks. Including 9/11. He has been on the world's most wanted list for 13 years. The Navy Seals killed him! There were 2 helicopters that held the Seals, one crash landed but nobody was hurt. They started shooting, they killed 2 guards, his adult son, a woman that was used as a human shield, and of course Osama bin Laden. They brought him back in the U.S. helicopter. One of the Pakistan traditions is to berry him in the ground, but the U.S. berried him in sea. They drove out to the ocean, covered him in white cloth, and dropped him in the ocean. There was a big reward if you found Osama, but he's dead now. They took blood samples and it is 99.9% that is really Osama. They trying to get some proof that he's really dead, because Pakistan may be thinking that we're just joking. But that was just one person out of many terrorists in the world. But think about it, maybe that will get his friends mad, but all the airport's security has gone up!

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