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Monday, April 11, 2011

The Lightning Thief Chapters 1 and 2

Please Read The Book (It's Good)
I'm reading a book in Guided Reading called The Lightning Thief. Percy Jackson goes to a school Yancy Academy a private school for trouble kids in New York, and yes, Percy Jackson is in trouble a lot. They were taking a field trip to Manhattan. Percy was determined to be good this field trip. The thing was, he was never good on field trips. They were eating lunch when a mean girl named Nancy Bobofit came and was making fun of Percy's friend Grover. He didn't know what he really did but the next thing he knew was that Nancy was sitting in the fountain screaming Percy pushed me! Mrs. Dodds (chaperon) brought him inside a building than, all of a sudden she was a creature that had yellow fangs and bat like wings. Than, his favorite teacher Mr. Brunner came in and tossed Percy a pen, Percy clicked it and it was a sword. Percy struck Mrs. Dodds with the sword and when he walked out, he walked to Mr. Brunner and he said that's my pen. No one seemed to notice that Mrs. Dodds wasn't there. He went up to Grover and he just said who's Mrs. Dodds? When he was going back to his cabin he overheard Mr. Brunner and Grover talking. They were talking about how worried they were for Percy. Percy dropped his book in shocked and Mr. Brunner and Grover went silent and headed for the door. Percy ran into a closet and they didn't even notice. That night he talked to Grover, he told him all about what he heard. It turned out, Grover and everyone else wasn't telling the truth. They were going on a trip when the bus broke down, they had to sit outside and wait. They saw to ladies sitting in chairs knitting large (very large) socks. Grover pulled Percy on the bus. He looked stressed out. The ladies got a scissors and cut the yarn. This means that when the ladies cut the yarn that means death, said Grover.

P.S. Scary, huh?

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