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Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Lightning Thief: Extra Chapter

Hello! Guess what? I finished it! When I'm done I'm supposed to write another chapter, so:
                    Chapter 23

Percy is going back home, he's packing his bag from Camp Half-Blood. He'll miss Annabeth and Grover but he feels he has to go back because his mom is back. Gabe is gone so it's going to be a lot better. Percy is so glad to see his mom back. His mom is going back to Long Island for vacation, when they get there, Poseidon is there waiting for them. Percy is actually happy to see his father and mother happy. They move into an apartment and live there. But Poseidon does go back to the Empire State building to be a god. He does come back sometimes. But Percy doesn't really care, he just loves seeing his mother back. He does go and see Annabeth sometimes. 
That's the end of that chapter. I would really recommend this book if you like stories about gods and magic and monsters.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Osama Bin Laden Is Dead!

Hello! And today I'm blogging about something very special. Osama Bin Laden was the man who was involved in many terrorist attacks. Including 9/11. He has been on the world's most wanted list for 13 years. The Navy Seals killed him! There were 2 helicopters that held the Seals, one crash landed but nobody was hurt. They started shooting, they killed 2 guards, his adult son, a woman that was used as a human shield, and of course Osama bin Laden. They brought him back in the U.S. helicopter. One of the Pakistan traditions is to berry him in the ground, but the U.S. berried him in sea. They drove out to the ocean, covered him in white cloth, and dropped him in the ocean. There was a big reward if you found Osama, but he's dead now. They took blood samples and it is 99.9% that is really Osama. They trying to get some proof that he's really dead, because Pakistan may be thinking that we're just joking. But that was just one person out of many terrorists in the world. But think about it, maybe that will get his friends mad, but all the airport's security has gone up!

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Lightning Thief

Hello! Lets get right back to my book. Percy gets to Santa Monica, and looks at the sea, he walked down into it and than a shark comes up and pushes it down. He can breathe and he's dry. He sees the same person he sow in the Mississippi, and talks to her. It told him to go and that his mother wasn't dead. He walked up and told Annabeth and Grover and they were in shock. That's it for today and I hope that you will read this 1 day, see you later!

The Lightning Thief

Hello! Lets get right to my book. They're riding west on a train when they get to St. Louis Annabeth wants to go to the Gateway Arch. When they're riding the elevator up they have to sit with a lady and her little chihuahua. When they go down, all of a sudden, the dog starts to bark, than the dog gets bigger, and before you know it, the lady is a serpant and the dog is a lion. Percy jumped down into the Mississippi River, and he wasn't wet at all. He saw a lady that looked like his mom. The thing said,"go to Santa Monica."
And that's where I stopped.