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Monday, March 14, 2011

Mrs. Frisby and the rats of NIMH

Hello! Today I'm blogging about a book I am reading. So far Mrs. Frisby went out to find food, she found an empty stump that had a lot of food. She brought corn back for breakfast. Her son Timothy, was sick. she had to take him to the doctor Mr. Ages. She went there when Timothy was born, he was very small and sick. This time he was there because he had pneumonia. She got some medicine for him. In chapter 3, Mrs. Frisby found a crow named Jeremy, stuck to a piece of string and was now tied to the fence. A cat named Dragon was watching and could see them. The crow started to panic, but Mrs. Frisby said to stop because the cat was coming closer and closer. At the last second, the crow got out and Mrs. Frisby jumped on his back and Jeremy took her home. She saw a weird looking group of mice bringing some string into a bush. Than, she heard Mr. Fitzgibbon's tractor. They were getting ready to plow, but luckily, the ground was full of frost and couldn't be plowed for 5 days. Than, one day, Jeremy took Mrs. Frisby to the oldest owl in the forest. Jeremy said that she could solve her problem with Timothy and the plow. The owl said to go to the rats she saw, and said they could help her move her house. She went to the house and found a little way to get in. When she got in she saw the biggest rat ever!
  That's where I'm at, bye bye!

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