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Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Endangered Blue Whales

Hello! Today I'm blogging about the Blue Whales. In class we had to blog about an endangered animal, and I chose the Blue Whale. Here are some really cool facts:
Blue Whale!!!
  1. Blue Whales grow to be about 80 feet, and weigh about 120 tons.
  2. The female Blue Whales are longer and weigh more than the males (the largest Blue Whale was 94 feet, and weighed about 174 tons!)
  3. The largest Blue Whale has a heart that weighs 1,000 pounds and 14,000 pounds of blood circulating through it's body.
  4. The heart of the Blue Whale is about the size of a Volkswagon bug car!
  5. A human could crawl through one of it's major blood vessels.
  6. Blue Whales are the loudest animals on Earth.
  7. The color of the Blue Whale is usually blue-gray with gray spots.
  8. The underbelly has brown, yellow, or gray specks.
  9. They have 320 pairs of baleen (teeth that strain) in their mouth.
  10. It has 2 blowholes.
  11. They have a 2-14 inch thick layer of blubber.
  12. They usually swim in pods (groups). They sometimes swim in pairs.
  13. They breathe air by going up to the surface and breathing through 2 blowholes located near the top of its head.
That's all for today, bye bye.

Friday, March 25, 2011


Hello! Welcome to my blog, today I'm talking about gold. Here are 5 new facts that I've learned today
  1. Gold is a dense, soft, shiny metal that is very rare.
  2. Gold is used in many kinds of jewelry.
  3. Major producers of gold are the United States, Australia, Russia, and Peru.
  4. Gold is a chemical.
  5. India buys 25% of the world's gold (the high).
     Here are some questions for you to answer:
  1. Is a gold a metal?
  2. Is gold used for technology, or jewelry?
  3. Does every country have gold?
  4. Is gold a solid?
  5. Do we have gold here in Iowa?
This question there is no wrong or write answer:
Do you want gold here in Carroll, Iowa? Please answer these 6 questions if you comment.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Clydesdale Horse

Hello! Today I'm blogging about the Clydesdale horse. The Clydesdale horses came from Scotland in 1837. It is used for coal fields. This horse breed is very active. The most common color is bay. If you don't know what bay is, it is a reddish brown color. The Clydesdale horse is a very big breed. The breed began to spread around Scotland and northern England. That's all I got for this one, bye bye!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Mrs. Frisby and the rats of NIMH

Hello! Today I'm blogging about a book I am reading. So far Mrs. Frisby went out to find food, she found an empty stump that had a lot of food. She brought corn back for breakfast. Her son Timothy, was sick. she had to take him to the doctor Mr. Ages. She went there when Timothy was born, he was very small and sick. This time he was there because he had pneumonia. She got some medicine for him. In chapter 3, Mrs. Frisby found a crow named Jeremy, stuck to a piece of string and was now tied to the fence. A cat named Dragon was watching and could see them. The crow started to panic, but Mrs. Frisby said to stop because the cat was coming closer and closer. At the last second, the crow got out and Mrs. Frisby jumped on his back and Jeremy took her home. She saw a weird looking group of mice bringing some string into a bush. Than, she heard Mr. Fitzgibbon's tractor. They were getting ready to plow, but luckily, the ground was full of frost and couldn't be plowed for 5 days. Than, one day, Jeremy took Mrs. Frisby to the oldest owl in the forest. Jeremy said that she could solve her problem with Timothy and the plow. The owl said to go to the rats she saw, and said they could help her move her house. She went to the house and found a little way to get in. When she got in she saw the biggest rat ever!
  That's where I'm at, bye bye!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Tsunami Hits Japan

Hello! Today I'm blogging about an Earthquake that hit Japan. First of all, here are some facts:
  1. Police said 200 to 300 people were killed in the Northeastern coast of Sendai.
  2. It was a 23 foot tsunami.
     3.  It is going to hit the United States, but not as bad as it hit in Japan.
Now, it did end up hitting the Oregon and Hawaii, but there wasn't as much damage. Do you think that they got up and the morning and they all thought that they were going to die? Probably not. When you comment, please tell me how you would have felt if a tsunami hit your town. Explain your answer. Here's a very good video on it. Please be thankful that you are here today, bye.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Hello everybody! Remember that really long blog about the Cardinals and the Falcons? I did another one about those 2 teams. Go grab some bacon or something because this is a long blog. Here it is:
Hall Of Fame Game Logo
 CHAPTER ONE  "Hello everybody! I'm Kayd Nissen, and welcome to the Hall of Fame Game! If you don't like the pregame show than today is your lucky day. Do you know why? There is no pregame show! The coin toss is right now. Here is the ref right now."
   "Here's the coin guys, on one side is the Cardinals logo, and on the other side is the Falcon's logo. (coin flips) Cardinals, your logo was on top, what would you like to do?"
   "Receive," said #19 J. Skelton.
   "Okay, Atlanta what end zone do you want to defend?"
   "Left," said #2 M. Ryan.
    The players shook hands, and they went to the side line where their teams were. The kicker #3 M. Bryant will kick off to #15 S. Breaston. BOOM!!! Wow, he almost made it threw the field goal! R. Bartel is one of the back up QBs for the Cardinals, and he'll come  on to the field for the 1st time tonight. R. Bartel is under center with #45 R. Maui'a the FB right behind him, and #36 L. Stephens-Howling the HB is right behind the FB. R. Bartel gets the snap, fakes the hand off to the FB and pitches it to the #36 L. Stephens-Howling for a gain of 6.
   Nice run there. Now, it is 2nd and 4. D. Anderson is now on the field for the Cardinals. The QB D. Anderson is in the shot gun, gets the snap, throws a quick bullet to a WR named M. Komar. He breaks a tackle, and M. Komar is in the open! The 50, 40, 30, 20, 10, 5, and touchdown!!!!!!!!!! That was a really good play by the offense.
   J. Feeley, the kicker makes the extra point. That was a pretty good drive by Arizona. J. Feeley will kick off to #32 J. Norwood. J. Feeley kicks, touchback. If I were Atlanta, I would stick to my game plan, and if it doesn't work, you're screwed, and if you can't run on them, GAME OVER!!! J. Wilson will come on try to tie the score. G. Johnson is the only one in the backfield for the Falcons.
   They give the ball to G. Johnson and he gains around 3 yards. Now it's 2nd & 7 on the Atlanta 23 yard line. There is 9:37 left to go in the 1st quarter, and there is 24:37 left to go until the halftime show brought to you by the Verizon Wireless. The Falcons got to the line with 5 seconds left on the play clock so they will take their first time out of the game. Now, we'll see the leading WRs, RBs, and QBs for both of the teams. The leading QB for the Cardinals is D. Anderson, he's 1 for 1, he has 74 yards, and has 1 touchdown. Atlanta's best QB is J. Wilson. He didn't try a pass but he was the only one QB on the field for the Falcons. The best RB for the Cardinals is L. Stephens-Howling. He's ran 1, and he has 6 yards. Atlanta's top RB is G. Johnson, he has 1 rush and 3 yards. The top WR for Arizona is M. Komar, he has 1 catch, 74 yards, and 1 touchdown. There is no leading receiver for the Falcons because they never threw or ran it to one of them. Now both teams are ready to resume the game. It is 2nd & 7 on the Atlanta 23 yard line. J. Wilson gets the snap, FUMBLE! C. Campbell jumps on it for the Cardinals! Wow, nice job by Darnell Dockett to knock the ball out of the QB's hands! It looks like Atlanta came out here to lose! There is 6:48, and there is 21:48 left to go until half time. So now it is 1st & 10 on the Atlanta 23 yard line for the red hot Arizona Cardinals! D. Anderson is in the shot gun next to Jason Wright, and on the other side of D. Anderson is R. Maui'a. Dereck Anderson gets the snap, throws it to M. Komar on a in route, he's still up and running! He will dive for the end zone... TOUCHDOWN ARIZONA CARDINALS!!! That is M. Komar's and D. Anderson's 2nd touchdown tonight! Feeley makes the extra point. Just like that the score is Arizona 14, Atlanta 0. I think it's beginning to smell like a blow out! Jay Feeley will kick off to D. Frunles. Again Jay Feeley will kick a touchback. The last time these 2 teams faced, Atlanta won 41 to 7. Last year Arizona went 5-11 and Atlanta went 13-3. I'm shocked Arizona is winning 14-0. The QB is in the WR position. The HB is in the shot gun, gets the snap, and he throws a strike to Roddy White who reverses his field and hands it to the QB and, he launches it deep... caught! The WR dove for it and cau- wait, the refs are discussing, and now they rule it as an incomplete pass! I like that call because when he hit the ground the ball kind of bobbled around in his hands. That was close. Now they're going to take a booth review. There is 2:12 left to go in the first quarter. While they are reviewing, lets look at the games for the preseason week 1. Here are the 1:00 games: Dallas @ Tampa Bay, Pittsburgh @ New York, San Francisco @ Carolina, San Diego @ Buffalo, Arizona @ New Orleans, Kansas City @ Baltimore, Chicago @ Atlanta, Detroit @ Seattle, Tennessee @ Miami, St. Louis @ New York, and Oakland @ New England. Those are some good games there. Here are the 4:15 games: Washington @ Minnesota, Houston @ Cleveland, Denver @ Cincinnati, and Philadelphia @ Green Bay. Those are some good games, too. The night game is Indianapolis @ Jacksonville. The ref just said that the pass was incomplete. I agree with that call there. Now it is 2nd & 10 on the Atlanta 20 yard line. If you want to hear the next play go to chapter 2.
CHAPTER TWO Okay, the QB is under center with no one in the back field. Gets the snap, no one is open, so he decides to run it! He fumbles it and the Cardinals recover! 

   When I write a little more on my story I'll do another blog on it, bye bye!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Union

Hello! Today I'm blogging about the Union. The Union was the north part of the Civil War. The Union faced the south called the Confederacy. The Confederacy wanted slavery and the Union didn't. They also fought because the north states wanted the government to control the states and the south states wanted the states to control themselves. The Union won and slavery stopped. Republicans want the states to have more power and Democrats want the government to have more power. I hope you learned something from my blog, bye bye!

Story On A Weird Spring Time Event

Today I'm blogging about a weird spring time event. It's a little story I wrote. Here it goes:
   It was midnight with the sun out. There were red, yellow, and brown colored leaves on the trees. There were 8 inches of snow on the ground. There were Christmas lights on the houses and Jack'O'lanterns on the porches. People were out mowing the snow! People were swimming in the pool when it was below 0! People were shopping for shorts and sandals. The sky was green with a pink rainbow. A split second later everything went dark...
That's it on this blog, bye bye!

Facts On Corn

It's been a long time since I've blogged! Today I'm going to give you some facts on corn. Here they are:
1. Corn is a plant in the grain family.
2. Several varieties of corn grow around the world.
3. Corn grows wherever the climate is mild or warm.
4. Illinois and Iowa are the largest corn growers.
5. Planting in the Midwest begins in late April or May.
Hope you like my blog, see you later!