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Thursday, September 23, 2010


I've only read 6 chapters of the Football Nightmare but it's a good book. The Buc quarter back Keith Stedman drops a perfect pass that broke a undefeated streak. He can't get it out of his mind and he thinks he's going to do it again. So he refuses to play for the Bucs. His best friend Heck invites him to the pool. Then he sees all his former teammates. And all they talk about is football and how fun it is to be the quarter back. But he still refuses to play. Until Heck walks away. But Keith doesn't want to play. And then that's when I got to chapter 6. I think he comes and plays again. What do you think? Maybe I'll write a book like this someday.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


In Illinois is one of the worlds tallest tower. It's the Sears tower! it's 110 stories tall! There's another tower called the John Hancock Building. There's another place called Navy Pier. It has a circus wheel, a mini golf course, boat rides, and all kinds of restaurants. A long time ago a cow started a fire! Because it knocked over a candle!!!! I'm not kidding!